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Frequently Asked Questions

We really need it to work for scheduling

So do we! We don’t want to have a customer select one of our aircraft that may be out for maintenance. Control the availability of your aircraft availability right from Tayyara . See bookings that are pending, declined and completed. Use our API to integrate with calendar options that you may be using currently.

We don’t fly enough, so we wouldn’t use it.

It’s heartbreaking for us to hear that an aircraft operator ‘is not flying enough’. We want Tayyara to be the software that underpins the new business generation. Don’t just see Tayyara as a ‘different technology’ to do your quoting. We designed Tayyara to connect you with retail customers, brokers, and really, the whole internet in order to showcase your aircraft and get more bookings.

We’re too small for you

If you’re the size that can use a spreadsheet for your quoting, you’re the size that can use Tayyara . We have clients with only one aircraft using Tayyara . They have found the benefits because they are so small – they don’t have the luxury that the larger operators have with someone to do quoting specifically. They find they can give even more personalised service because they’re not getting delayed with spreadsheets. They being personal on the phone and closing bookings.

I’m fine doing what I’m doing.

We hear this sometimes. And maybe that’s because what we’ve achieved is so new that there’s no point of reference. Your task is not to assess how Tayyara compares to your current quoting process, although that’s a good start. The actual assessment is what Tayyara facilitates and whether you want to use the vast internet reach to drive your business forward – using technology to automate the process of connecting your routes and aircraft with your customer’s needs – INSTANTLY. Not with asking them to submit a simple web form and wait for your response.

I don’t want others to see my pricing.

Everyone has their secret sauce – we get it.  So use Tayyara to control what you show. Let’s face it, another operator could estimate what they’d think you charge – just like you could do with them. Control your ‘online pricing’. Offer your online pricing model, and you might choose to give discounts to premier customers, or even choose to delight a brand new customer by phoning to tell them their invoice will be less. Tayyara can accommodate you.

I don’t have the headspace to learn something new.

Don’t assume that Tayyara is a massive learning curve. So long as you can put in From / To / Date and Time / PAX. then you’ll be just fine. With our operations team doing your onboarding, all you’ll need to do is let us work with you on your settings, and then start costing flights.

I don’t have time to set it up.

You don’t need it, our team will assist you with the entire onboarding of your operation. All we need from you is the openness to put Tayyara to the test and actually use it during the free month. Everyone’s business rules are different, so your account will need some customisation once you start comparing the costs against your current methodology. We can change those settings together over an online meeting to get it dialled right in.

Our software already does that.

We’re not sure if it does. Are you saying your customers can book themselves, choose their add-ons and it will calculate availability, repositioning, ground costs all from your website?

My customers like a personal service they prefer a call.

Perfect. Keep those calls in place, because they become even better when you are calling to discuss the booking you’ve received, adding the little niceties and ‘red carpet service’ that you use to differentiate your brand from those in the next hangar. Your clients will appreciate being able to explore your offering on a schedule that suits them – not just during business hours.

We don’t need something that complex, we just do an hourly rate.

Great – you can configure that. Tayyara is meant to be easy for an operator. Sure, it is sophisticated ‘under the hood’ as there are so many variable needed to get to a real price. Let us worry about that. You focus on getting your customers taken care of, and getting your price into the hands of new customers ASAP,  so they don’t go shopping around.

Customers don’t want to finalise such a large payment online.

That is understandable. There are just some folks that will never be comfortable online. Tayyara can be configured to allow those individuals to go through the booking process, but still have other payment options that you may have in place for them presently.

Our managed aircraft owners want to be able to approve the booking of the jet before the booking is finalised.

Great. You can customise Tayyara to fit in with that current process. Create a process where the aircraft owner can receive an approval before a booking can be finalised. Tayyara is here to work with your process, not create new ones.

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